Since the day I was born, and I am now 50, nearly everything
I touched or saw said Made In China or Made In say the ignorant bit
about, "didn't translate into English correctly", well what are you
saying? Millions of Americans cannot read or write. Your implication that if something
was prepared by a person who struggles with language is lesser of a person shows
YOUR complete ignorance. So what? Wal-Mart shops in China! Things would cost
even LESS if they didn't have to put things in every language and we throw the
packaging away anyway!
Next, if you don't know how to use anything on the face of
the earth, on the same computer you complain on, copy and paste the name or the
product in to a browser and go, then do the same BUT as YouTube. (Which by the way
that is the way to write YouTube),
You will encounter a myriad and plethora of ample
descriptions and a deluge of step by step instructions. (See? How does that
Nipple Covers
THIS IS a great product. If you had tried more types and
brands, (and you are supposed to judge things against others of the same
type...), you would have seen that they are THE SAME as some of the higher
priced ones. In other words, wherever the factory is that makes these, if someone
were to buy 3,000 pairs at a time, you can have your own label and packaging
put on them! Then the next customer does the same and so on....what you bought
was the person(s) who sold them at the least high profit margin.
The funny thing? Many people still believe if it costs more
it must be better. So, the next person to buy 3,000 uses a more elegant box or
packaging...and a much higher price ...and they also sell, BUT ONLY to the
Western Markets where we are trained to overspend and shun ‘generics’ which are
nothing more than the same product without the middleman or the Brand name). I
know of major Department stores who sell replicas…BUT then again, isn’t every
single product which came after the first one, or ‘prototype’ also a replica? Yes!
Except for the designer’s UGG, every pair is a copy and a replica…because it
has to be that or the original pair. Hahahaha get it? EVERYTHING is a copy!
Nipple Covers
As for finding the highest quality of copies…it took me many years to find the factories that made the first runs! Others know too…and I find them here on Amazon and buy from them. I am contributing to our economy and adding a few dollars to help out the USA? Hell yea!
As for finding the highest quality of copies…it took me many years to find the factories that made the first runs! Others know too…and I find them here on Amazon and buy from them. I am contributing to our economy and adding a few dollars to help out the USA? Hell yea!
Our great nation has shopped in Asia since before you and I
were born. Sadly, they have us figured out as the rest of the world has...and
'Westerners", (that's us), have paid 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 times more for
everything than what it cost.
We base the quality of jewelry on the price tag and THEY
know it!
Jewelry BEGINS with a minimum of 800% mark up! I have pure
silver bracelets for under 5.00…and it is solid sterling! No copper at all.
So the next time any retail store is running a 10% or 15%
sale, don't think for a moment that ANYONE is giving anything up to help us!
Shop Amazon Watches - Four Day Watch Sale - Extra Savings on Name Brand Watches
BUT look out for the real sales events, like Amazon's, where real folks are tring to make a few dollars...without paying Mall rents!
www.autismbattle.comBeautiful shirts can be purchased at .50 each IF you buy in quantities. Adding the brand name is nothing more than a label in the neckline or a generated embroidered logo. The shirt itself though…is much cheaper at Wal-Mart! It’s the same damn thing folks!
www.autismbattle.comBeautiful shirts can be purchased at .50 each IF you buy in quantities. Adding the brand name is nothing more than a label in the neckline or a generated embroidered logo. The shirt itself though…is much cheaper at Wal-Mart! It’s the same damn thing folks!
If you don't believe me, then go on eBay ...and if you don't
mind waiting 4-8 weeks, look where the most inexpensive products OF THE SAME BRAND
NAMES AND GREAT QUALITY are coming from...
EBay caved in and allowed what was supposed to be' a cool
way for us to sell things out of our homes that we no longer needed or wanted
for a few bucks to someone who did. It was quite American! Suddenly, the
largest privately owned, (meaning not publicly owned or with any trust or
insurance), PAYPAL introduces the Chinese stop and shop...GREAT, to the western
world. It's free to join and PayPal stood to make millions. This would mean
that little sister, eBay would have to let everyone in the world sell their
goods on OUR eBay! (There's a European eBay, Asian eBay...there's Taobao,
Now, you have to be VERY CAREFUL of shipping fees and
shipping times...and all those Midwest farmers who almost lost their homes, but
started selling products on eBay...could NOT compete with the much lower
pricing. So PayPal steals their cash and drives the US folks into the ground
while allowing the Asian folks to shine.
Why? PayPal charges them a much higher
fee than it charges us and they pay it! The Midwest guy charged a few dollars
more BUT you would have had it in 2 days instead of 2 months. You also would
have been helping OUR economy and not someone else’s.
Nipple Covers
Now, PayPal wants to split up with parts of that market BECAUSE when we buy and things don't arrive, PAYPAL guarantees we get our money! So, now they have to try and get their money back...but even with one of their main offices over there...they cannot grab the cash out of their banks as they do ours. Why? They don't have banks...the kids who sell are bicycling the money back to their parents and extended families who were rice farmers, but like our farmers, the farming market crashed. The kids go to these huge cities which were created to sell high quality at low prices and REPLICAS of everything under the sun...AND the 'REAL stuff too! They have the cheapest labor and the best systems and their people work HARD... (They have no welfare), so everyone works and they take care of their families, parent’s etc…
Now, PayPal wants to split up with parts of that market BECAUSE when we buy and things don't arrive, PAYPAL guarantees we get our money! So, now they have to try and get their money back...but even with one of their main offices over there...they cannot grab the cash out of their banks as they do ours. Why? They don't have banks...the kids who sell are bicycling the money back to their parents and extended families who were rice farmers, but like our farmers, the farming market crashed. The kids go to these huge cities which were created to sell high quality at low prices and REPLICAS of everything under the sun...AND the 'REAL stuff too! They have the cheapest labor and the best systems and their people work HARD... (They have no welfare), so everyone works and they take care of their families, parent’s etc…
We would all make it on minimum wage if we could buy things
at their real cost instead of the inflated one. So, who did that? The BANKS!
This way, we would use CREDIT CARDS and borrowed money to get what we need!
They CONDITIONED our brains by saying things like, "you
get what you pay for", or cramming BRAND names down our kids throats. The
same shirts, boots, purses, hoodies and sunglasses you pay 200 or 300 for are
being sold by that factory to others at...2.00, 10.00, or maybe even 60.00. You
can spend less than 200 with shipping included for that 500.00-4,000.00 purse!
What about shoes and boots? You can get the 600.00-2,000.00 ones for less than
Where was the computer you are typing on or reading on from?
Yes, and you could have bought it BEFORE the Brand name went on...for 1/3 or
The point here being to stop thinking these things or
anything else was made here.
Not much else comes from here/ In fact, look at our stupid
car market! NO ONE in Europe or Asia drives a FORD, CHEVY or DODGE pick up! Hahahaha
there's no parking spaces to fit it! Mass transit and tiny roads there make it
almost impossible! I KNOW. I traveled for years in Europe in the circus. We
brought US trailers and pickups over on the ships. There were a few of our
'classics' owned by the wealthy BUT our Automobile market in NOT being sold
there or anywhere else! Yet, we allow everyone to sell their stuff here. Makes
you wonder?
Even then, what goes inside our fine trucks and cars...was
also made there.
They can replicate ANYTHING, even a custom guitar with a
famous signature now selling for 32,000.00 on eBay! (Watch out for the 'single
owner deal').
They have technicians, scientists, old world skilled
tradesmen and eager, educated, hard working young... (Remember, no welfare), so
they all work! They can make what we invent and design, better, faster and less
expensive...then sell it on eBay and our factories are shutting down.
Amazon can offer great shipping because THEY ARE A GREAT COMPANY! If they catch copies
and replications, they shut you down! They do not allow anything on here to be
sold where fast shipping cannot be an option! They allow open forum feedback!
Amazon is the Wikipedia of products! I trust what I read here FAR more than
Consumer Reports and Ralph Nader would have been, (is?), proud of Amazon!
Nipple Covers
Everyone should consider, including Amazon, the Google check
out system in place of PayPal. Little or no fees!
EBay and PayPal coaxed us in and are now a major cause of
unemployment, foreclosures and the demolition of our entire economy.
Amazon and Google are amazing.
That being said...everything you purchase here...think twice
before slamming what MIGHT be a product being sold by one of our former
farmers, or perhaps a single mom, a family business or even your own
neighbor...a few harsh unfounded words and they lose the sales needed to put
dinner on the table!
Why not write to the seller FIRST and tell them what you
think? Give them a chance to make it right...most do! If you are still not
satisfied AND you have some knowledge about the products from trying others
like it, write away!
As for the packaging looking 'porn'...hehehe who do you
think has been using these for years and the general population is only just
learning about these? These are nothing more than a form of 'pasties' which
made their fame in Burlesque a long time ago!
They are SUPPOSED to look like a nipple! If used correctly,
you put the bottom part under your nipple line, use a small amount of moisture
to help on the top...then attach it higher up on your breast which makes you
look less 'droopy' and more 'perky'. Hold it in place while your body
temperature creates the bond. A tighter shirt will keep your 'lifted breast' in
place! For a thinner fabric you will need one with more adhesion.
There are bras...without straps...some even add a size and
some have a center way of attaching the left and right ones which you pull
together for cleavage.
If you have larger nipples you will really appreciate the
larger ones.
You can take years of gravity damage off and look very
natural. A small breasted woman can create a much larger look once you have
mastered these nice products!
I wish some of the more experienced girls would make YouTube
instructions for us to see any other tricks and techniques to maximize our
beautiful bodies without surgery!
Once you have lifted them up by attaching the top of the
nipple cover higher on the breast, you should apply one of the many creams
which help to firm the top ‘stretched out’ skin! Over time, your breast really
does rake on the new shape!
One other word about the packaging...I want to pay for
PRODUCT not for packaging that gets thrown away! I am happy that this seller
did spend LESS on packaging than the other 4 sellers with the same covers
because they passed the savings on to us!
Your comments were very racist in your inference to the
translation. Except for the American Indians, we are ALL foreigners! The
Indians also believe that NO ONE can own earth and the recent slew of natural
disasters which wiped off millions of homes and properties certainly reminded
us of whom this planet belongs too! Mr. and Mrs. Father Time and Mother Nature!
Everyone needs to stop taking their frustrations out on each
other! If we could just consider that everyone is to some degree struggling,
(or they wouldn't be looking for a great deal here on Amazon...then let's help each
Seeing ourselves and others for ABILITIES rather than
DISABILITIES is the way it should be done! All in all, for being the least
expensive of a common product, these should have the 5 stars! The ones with perfect
translations and higher end packaging are insulting my intelligence and
reminding me of how we were coaxed into believing anything more expensive was
Let's become a more intelligent consumer and understand a
bit of what has gone on!
I purchased perfect 925 silver Tiffany, Pandora and Channel
jewelry for my daughters, a perfect Stratocaster guitar for my son...and don't
even look at Best Buy unless you realize
they are marking up 400-600 percent too! I bought Android Tablets with 4.0 OS
and Ice cream Sandwich interfacing for 100 each! I spent 600 this year on
everyone on things which are actually being retailed at over 18,000-20,000
Nipple Covers
I am happy to help anyone learn to shop BUT I made sure to
purchase everything THROUGH someone in our own community!
I also never purchased anything from a porn shop or porn magazine
so I really don't know how else to comment on that.
Again however, I will remind us all that millions of
Americans are completely illiterate and if we all volunteered a few hours here
and there...we could all help ourselves to regain our greatness! Knowledge is
As for me, I love these things and they put my implanted
bust line right back where the doc made it in the first place. I learned from a
YouTube tutorial. Every instruction and/ or manual in the world is online
Thanks for reading and I also run for
anyone who needs researched information on that topic.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and Joyous Kwanza to all.
Today is the first day of winter...and the beginning of
longer days...Blessings to the barefoot people who see and protect the earth,
traditions and magic for the rest of us! Mother Earth rules!
Thanks to God himself for helping me to understand Autism, causes,
cures and now, the legal battles I will undertake to make this better for
everyone touched by Autistic Spectrum Disorders. When I have time, Amazon is
helping me to build a store based upon having a loved one with this wonderful
diagnosis! The 'little professors' of the future, male and female, are here and
we need to always look at ABILITIES versus DISABILITIES!
Nipple Covers
These will be on there in the 'mom' part because of the wear
and tear we have because of the 24/7 commitment to battle Autism.
These are a
GREAT way for mommies to get their former figures back...because you can still
be beautiful and lead happy lives with a child or person(s) with ASD.